Personal from Aaron: I need your advice ASAP!

Dear Friend —

The 2024 session of the Missouri General Assembly has just kicked off, and this is shaping up to be a MASSIVE YEAR for gun owners.

From defending SAPA in Federal Court and Jeff City, to stopping Biden’s national AR-15 ban, to blocking ‘Red Flag’ laws and enhancing Stand-Your-Ground law, there’s a lot going on.

And all of that is before we get to the 2024 elections!

I’ve been talking with legislators across the state for weeks gearing up for the start of session. The opportunities (and challenges) we are facing this year are big.

Ever the optimist, I want to engage in every political fight that is before us. But I must be realistic.

Based on the resources available to us right now, there’s no way we can engage in all of these fights at the same time.

You see, while gearing up for session, I’ve also been working with our whole team to review our cash on hand and to create the budget that we’ll need to be effective in 2024.

For the record, I hate budget meetings. 🙂

But that meeting is over, I know exactly what our cash on hand position is. And I know the political situation in Jeff City at a granular level. Now I have some decisions to make.

But this isn’t my organization.

This has always been a member-driven organization, and that is why I need to hear from you. Where do YOU want us to focus in 2024?

Where do YOU want us to spend the donor dollars that you have given us? I need your input.

That’s why I have prepared your 2024 MOFC OFFICIAL MEMBER BALLOT and included it with this email. I’m counting on you to read this update, and then complete your ballot IMMEDIATELY!

Without a doubt, the biggest fight coming at the federal level this year will be over S. 25/H.R. 698: Biden’s long-desired total and complete ban on AR-15s and 30-round magazines.

This legislation has a jaw-dropping 250 cosponsors in Congress right now, with 208 in the House alone.

Banning AR-15s has nothing to do with stopping crime. The ONLY GOAL of this legislation is to disarm the American people once and for all. Biden is a tyrant. He wants to rule over America with an iron fist. But he can’t if we’re armed.

If this legislation passes, and we lose our right to keep and bear arms, we will never get them back. No nation ever has!

It is critical that MOFC has the ability to thunder our opposition to this bill into the halls of Congress.

Dozens of Congressional Republicans betrayed us last year when they voted for Biden’s ‘Red Flag Funding Bill,’ so we can’t trust them. Worse, my sources on Capitol Hill tell me that one of our GOP House members is getting flaky on this bill, too!

We need to crank up the heat on our Congressional delegation this year. We can’t afford ANY betrayals.

So if you think our top priority in 2024 needs to be stopping Biden’s attempt to disarm Americans by banning the AR-15, please mark OPTION #1 “CRUSH THE AR-15 BAN” on your ballot.

But at the same time, we need to do everything possible to defend Missouri’s Second Amendment Preservation Act.

As we expected, the District Court judge (an Obama appointee) ruled against SAPA which means that SAPA is NOT being enforced pending the outcome of the Circuit Court appeal.

But we needed this to happen to take the fight for SAPA into the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals!

The great news is that the court has accelerated the timetable for this appeal at Attorney General Andrew Bailey’s request. In fact, the 8th Circuit just announced that they’ll hear this case the week of February 12-16!

MOFC’s legal team will need to be ready with our Amicus Briefs in support of SAPA as multiple national gun control Organizations have filed Amicus briefs opposing it.

I wish that was all we had to do to defend SAPA.

The truth is that the same core of RINOs who tried to stop SAPA in Jeff City in 2021 are using the judge’s decision as a pretext to overturn some or all of SAPA in the legislature, too!

If SAPA is overturned in Jeff City, our legal case is over.

And if we lose SAPA in court, then Joe Biden will win back the ability to order our cops to enforce unconstitutional gun control laws and Executive Orders!

This is a fight that we can win — and we must!

SAPA protects Missouri cops from being used by Biden.

SAPA protects Missouri gun owners from Biden’s tyranny.

And SAPA is the roadmap to block other attacks from Biden.

But now we need to defend it, both in the Federal Circuit Court and in the state legislature.

So if you think our top priority in 2024 needs to be passing the Second Amendment Preservation Act, please mark OPTION #2 “DEFEND MISSOURI’S SAPA LAW” on your member ballot.

But sadly, we’re not exclusively on offense in Jeff City.

‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ have been lurking around the edges of the House and Senate caucuses for some time now. We’ve stopped this every year so far. But now Biden is writing checks.

Big ones.

Last year, the State of Missouri received over $5,400,000 from a DOJ fund designed to incentivize (aka bribe) the legislature into supporting ‘Red Flag’ laws.

Already the debate in Jeff City is starting to change. Now I’m hearing from some legislators that while many forms of ‘Red Flag’ laws are bad, there are some good versions out there, too.

It all comes down to notice, they say.

If you are given notice of a ‘Red Flag’ hearing and are allowed to attend the hearing, that is considered a ‘good’ form of ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures.’

It’s only ‘bad’ if you are not given notice and are not allowed to attend the hearing.

Let me be perfectly clear: MOFC must fight against every form of ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation because they allow a gun owner to be disarmed before he’s been charged, arrested, or convicted of ANYTHING!

American jurisprudence was based on two concepts: the idea that we are all ‘innocent until proven guilty’, and a set of basic ‘due process’ rights to protect us from judicial abuse.

‘Red Flag’ laws destroy both of those concepts!

We must oppose this legislation in 2024. And with Joe Biden buying up support and other Republican-led states passing this, the danger posed by ‘Red Flags’ is higher than in years past.

So if you think our top priority in 2024 needs to be blocking any form of ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ in Jeff City, please mark OPTION #3 “BLOCK RED FLAGS” on your member ballot.

As you can see, the legislative opportunities (and threats) we’re facing in Jeff City are going to keep us plenty busy.

But we can’t ignore the elections that are coming.

While MOFC members are the reason the GOP has super-majorities in the House and Senate — and we will always be there to hammer on the records of the Radical Left — the reality is that the Democrats control nothing in Jeff City.

And with 111 Republicans in the House it’s just a fact that we have at least 8-12 RINO Republicans in that caucus who are holding up pro-gun bills and actively backing gun control.

In the Senate, there are 6 moderate Republicans who are more than willing to kill a gun bill behind closed doors.

The good news is that primary candidates are popping up all over the state, as gun owners are growing frustrated with fake Republicans killing pro-gun bills one after the other.

Most organizations are too afraid to engage in the primary elections here because they know that doing so will risk the wrath of House and Senate leaders.

Not the Missouri Firearms Coalition.

We don’t work for caucus leaders in Jeff City.

We work for our members. And if Republican leadership continues to kill pro-gun bills, we’ll have no choice but to play heavy in the upcoming August Primary Election.

That means ads on statewide radio, digital ads on a variety of social media platforms, and a texting/email program that is designed to penetrate every inch of targeted districts.

So if you think our top priority in 2024 needs to be preparing to expose anti-gun politicians in the Primary Elections, please mark OPTION #4 “FIGHT IN THE ELECTIONS” on your member ballot.

I’m sure you can see why I’m so torn.

This isn’t an either/or situation. We need to stop Biden; we need to protect SAPA; we need to block ‘Red Flags’ and we need to get ready for a major primary election program.

But I must be realistic.

Right now, I just don’t have the funds to run a full-scale program on all four of these fronts at the same time. 

That’s why I’m counting on you to please fill out your MOFC Official Member Ballot and tell me where to focus the resources that we have.

Of course, when you do so, you’ll notice that I have included another option on your membership ballot — an option that we haven’t talked about yet because it’s just not possible without a major influx of funds.

But I’ll be blunt: this is the option I hope you will choose.


Please understand that if you choose Option #5, it’s vital that you include a generous donation to help us fight on all fronts.

In fact, with everything we are facing, I hope you’ll consider an immediate donation of $100 or more!

I know I’m asking a lot.

But with Biden on the rampage, we need to secure as much freedom as we possibly can here in Missouri while we still can. And we need to expose anyone who stands in our way!

So if $100 isn’t possible, won’t you please agree to $75, $50, $25 or at least $17.76?

The General Assembly just convened for 2024; I need to hear from you as soon as possible.

Please fill out your Membership Ballot right away, and please consider a generous contribution to help us fight this year!

For Missouri,

Aaron Dorr
Political Director
Missouri Firearms Coalition

P.S. The 2024 legislative session just began in Jeff City, and I need to make some very difficult decisions about where to focus our resources and our time this session.

From Biden’s AR-15 ban, to defending SAPA law, to blocking ‘Red Flags’ there is a lot going on — and that’s before we get to the Primary and General Elections!

We don’t have the money needed to engage in all of these fights as things stand. I need to hear from you right away.

Please read the email above for all the details, then please complete your Official Membership Ballot telling us where to fight in 2024. And please consider a donation to help us!