Tuesday morning the Fake News, anti-gun lawmakers, and gun control groups were jumping up and down as another school shooting was playing out on national TV.
Like all of the shootings before it, gun grabbers were hoping to use the news of the Maryland school shooting to further their ant-gun agenda.
But by noon, the story seemingly vanished.
That’s because — far from making the case for gun control — the Maryland shooting showed the utter failure of gun control in stopping violent crime!
Instead it showed, yet again, the need to do away with deadly ‘Gun Free Zones’ immediately.
That’s why I hope you’ll sign your petition calling on the legislature to pass H.B. 1936 this session. More on that below.
You see, Maryland is a gun control activist’s dream come true.
Maryland already has a complete firearms registration program in place, putting every gun owner in a central database.
Maryland also has a complete ban on the AR-15 and 45 related firearms.
Maryland has a ban on mags that hold over 10 rounds of ammunition.
Maryland has extensive ‘Gun Free Zones,’ including the school in question from yesterday.
Lastly, Maryland has a SEVEN day waiting period on all handgun sales.
But, as is always the case, all of that gun control failed to stop the criminal who ignored all of those laws as he carried out his violent attack!
But it gets even worse for the radical gun grabbers.
That’s because while all of the gun control laws in Maryland failed to stop this shooter, he was stopped…by a good guy with a gun!
An armed school resource officer was onsite, heard the attack taking place, and shot and killed the suspect during the shooting spree!
And so the lesson from the Maryland shooting is simple: the best way to stop violent criminals is to put more guns in the hands of law abiding citizens.
That’s why it’s urgent that the Missouri legislature stand up and fight for gun owners and the Second Amendment by doing away with ‘Gun Free Zones’ once and for all!
If you agree, sign your petition in support of H.B. 1936 NOW!
Ever since the Parkland, FL shooting, nervous legislators have been scared to advance pro-gun bills in Jeff City — even though that is exactly what is needed to help make Missouri safer!
And it’s not just the Missouri Firearms Coalition saying this.
In Colorado, the State Senate just passed Constitutional Carry, sending it to the House for consideration.
In Wyoming, our sister organization, Wyoming Gun Owners, was able to pass Stand-Your-Ground law just last week!
Lawmakers in these states clearly know that the best response to a mass shooting is to increase Second Amendment freedom.
Now it’s up to the Missouri legislature to do the same thing.
After all, it doesn’t matter if you carry with a permit or under our Constitutional Carry statute — if you are forced to disarm in dozens of places here in Missouri, neither of them will do you any good!
We’ve already passed the critical House General Laws committee, but nervous members of the Rules Committee have been too scared to act on it since then.
But with the session winding down in Jeff City there is no time to lose, so sign your petition today!
And when you’re done, I hope you’ll get even more involved in this fight for the Second Amendment.
If you haven’t yet done so, please become a member of the Missouri Firearms Coalition right away!
With so much going on in Jeff City and Washington D.C., we need your support now more than ever.
The Maryland shooting is just the latest in a series of mass shootings that reveal the utter failure that gun control has been in keeping Americans safe — ‘Gun Free Zones’ in particular.
And, yet again, it showed that armed ‘good guys’ are the best way to stop criminals in their tracks!
It’s time that the legislature in Jeff City acknowledge this and pass H.B. 1936!
Sign your petition today!
For Freedom,

Dr. Curt Frazier
P.S. The Maryland school shooting Tuesday morning showed, once more, the complete failure of “Gun Free Zones” in keeping people safe.
Rather, an armed ‘good guy’ saved many more people from being harmed.
That’s why it’s critical Missouri lawmakers stand up and fight for the Second Amendment by passing H.B. 1936 and ending deadly ‘Gun Free Zones’ yet this session!
So sign your petition calling for the end of ‘Gun Free Zones’ NOW!
And, when you’re done, please become a member of the Missouri Firearms Coalition by clicking on the image below.