Yesterday was a huge day for the Missouri Firearms Coalition as H.B. 1936, our bill to repeal deadly ‘Gun Free Zones,’ passed the first committee by a vote of 8-4!
Committee members told MOFC staff that they had received hundreds of emails in support of this bill –- so thank you for taking action!
Of course, this wasn’t a quick committee vote.
Anti-gun lawmakers tried their best to ban bump stocks in Missouri, via amendments on our bill, but were defeated.
Then they tried to raise the age on when Missourians can carry a firearm for self-defense, but were shot down.
Next they tried to make it easier for Missourians to lose their firearms over certain types of misdemeanors, only to be stopped again.
Realize that they were stopped because of a mountain of emails that MOFC members sent to shut these attacks down!
And for those that were unable to join us in Jeff City, we want to make sure that you know how hard Rep. Jered Taylor fought for your gun rights today, too!
Having passed our first committee is a good start, but the session calendar is moving fast and now is no time to let up on the pressure!
The bill will now be sent to the House Rules Committee.
The Parkland, FL shooting, like almost every mass shooting before it, took place in a so-called ‘Gun Free Zone!’
These are areas where law abiding citizens are forced to disarm and are left as sitting ducks in the event of an attack — with deadly consequences.
That’s why passing H.B. 1936 is so important to gun owners here in Missouri.
So make sure that you send your email to the members of the House Rules Committee!
In addition, if you want to call them or send them a message via Facebook, we’ve included that information below. The committee members are:
>>> Rep. Shawn Rhoads, 573-751-1455
>>> Rep. Dan Houx, 573-751-3850
>>> Rep. Deb Lavender, 573-751-4069
>>> Rep. Jack Bondon, 573-751-2175
>>> Rep. Cloria Brown, 573-751-3719
>>> Rep. Michael Butler,573-751-6800
>>> Rep. Courtney Curtis, 573-751-0855
>>> Rep. J. Eggleston, 573-751-4285
>>> Rep. Travis Fitzwater, 573-751-5226
>>> Elijah Haahr, 573-751-2210
>>> Don Rone, 573-751-4085
>>> Noel Shull, 573-751-9458
>>> Lindell Shumake, 573-751-3613
>>> Fred Wessels, 573-751-0438
Remember, you can email the entire committee with just one click, by clicking here!
Please take action immediately!
And when you’re done, I hope you’ll join (or renew with) the Missouri Firearms Coalition immediately!
We’re in the midst of a huge fight in Jeff City trying to both advance our pro-gun bill, while working to shut down gun control bills at every turn.
But we need your support to maintain this fight! So please join NOW!
Madmen looking to rack up a body count always look for a ‘Gun Free Zone’ to attack, knowing that they’ll meet no armed opposition.
That’s why is essential that we do away with these dangerous locations here in Missouri!
Take action now!
For Freedom,

Dr. Curt Frazier
P.S. Email the members of the House Rules Committee now!
If you’ve yet to join or renew, please click below and do so today (FREE t-shirt included.)
Check out our website: