We have some great news to report, and we need your help!
Thanks in no small measure to all of your calls and emails, H.B. 1936 has been scheduled for a hearing THIS WEDNESDAY!
Now the hard part begins.
In case you missed our video that we posted on our Facebook page of the Bloomberg-funded gun control rally in St. Louis last weekend — you may not know that stopping H.B. 1936 is the number one goal of these radical activists!
That is why I am counting on you to contact the members of the House Rules Committee right away and insist that they advance this bill as is, with no weakening amendments.
More on that in a moment.
As a reminder, H.B. 1936 would do away with DOZENS of so-called ‘Gun Free Zones’ that are on the books here in Missouri.
These are places where you and I are forced to disarm and forced to simply ‘hope for the best’ when it comes to our personal safety.
Of course, since all of the good guys are disarmed, ‘Gun Free Zones’ are the number one target of every madman with a gun who is looking to rack up a body count!
Consider the last few shootings and what they had in common:
The Parkland, FL, high school shooting where 17 died — took place in a ‘Gun Free Zone.’
The Sutherland, TX, church massacre from last year where 28 died –- took place in a ‘Gun Free Zone.’
The Las Vegas, NV, concert shooting from last year where 58 people died — took place in a ‘Gun Free Zone.’
I can go on and on.
The Orlando night club shooting in 2016, both Ft. Hood shootings, the Navy Yard shooting, the Colorado theater shooting — all of these took place in ‘Gun Free Zones!’
Is it any wonder then why bloodthirsty killers target these locations to carry out their murder sprees?
With dozens of places off-limits to gun owners here in Missouri, it’s essential that we lift this ban before a mass tragedy takes place here!
While you may think it would be easy to pass a pro-gun bill through a Missouri House committee, that’s just not reality on the ground in Jeff City right now.
Numerous lawmakers — some of the Rules Committee — are telling us that they don’t want to advance a gun bill right now, in light of all of the recent support for gun control.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t think there is any better time to fight for the Second Amendment and for law abiding gun owners than right now!
After listening to Bloomberg activists at their rally in St. Louis state that their number one goal in Missouri this session is to stop our bill — the last thing lawmakers should do is surrender and give them what they want!
But that is exactly what is going to happen if Bloomberg’s people make their voices heard and you and I do not.
Gun owners simply can’t let up on the pressure now.
We are late in the 2018 session, and before these lawmakers adjourn and begin their re-election efforts, make sure that they do what you want them to by passing H.B. 1936!
Despite the progress that we’ve made in fighting for the Second Amendment here in Missouri — passing Constitutional Carry and Stand-Your-Ground law — it won’t matter much if you’re disarmed in a ‘Gun Free Zone’ when you need your gun the most!
So make your voice heard today, by emailing the House Rules Committee.
After you have done that, I hope you will get involved with the Missouri Firearms Coalition immediately.
If you are not a member yet, you can become one right here!
Bloomberg and his followers here in Missouri are more active than I have seen in years. The rally that took place, featuring over 10,000 people on Saturday, should be a huge wakeup call as well.
So please do your part to help us fight back by contacting the committee and joining MOFC right away!
For Freedom,

Dr. Curt Frazier
P.S. Thanks to your calls and emails, the House Rules Committee will be holding a hearing THIS WEDNESDAY!
The pressure to kill this bill, from Bloomberg-funded activists state-wide, is intense.
Please send the committee this PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL right away, urging them to advance H.B. 1936 right now!
And please get involved with the Missouri Firearms Coalition right away!
If you are already a member, you can make a special contribution to fund this program here.