If you are a gun owner who is assuming that this gun control fever sweeping the country won’t affect you here in Missouri — we have bad news for you.
That’s because yesterday, the Missouri House General Laws Committee heard a variety of gun control bills in committee, and while the committee hasn’t voted on them yet, the momentum in Jeff City is shifting.
Our Political Director, Alexandra Salsman, was on hand to testify for our bill, HB 1936, and to testify against gun control bills all day, with a handful of MOFC volunteers.
And in case you missed the live video, I can assure you, she and her team were outnumbered 80-5 by Bloomberg backed activists.
Eighty to five!
And the gun-grabbers aren’t looking for a ‘little bit of gun control.’
No, sensing a shift in momentum and the chaos surrounding Governor Greitens recent indictment and arrest, Rep. Peter Meredith is trying to totally destroy the Second Amendment here in Missouri!
What’s worse is that Meredith clearly has some support on the House General Laws Committee.
That’s why I hope you’ll take a moment to sign our petition against H.B. 1733, using the link I’ll provide you below.
Under this legislation, Missouri’s Constitutional Carry Law — which you and I fought so hard for and ultimately passed in late 2016 — would be gone.
Stand-Your-Ground, which was also passed as part of that bill, would be toast as well.
So under this bill, if you wanted to carry a concealed firearm, it would be back to registering yourself with the Missouri State Government — which was already caught handing over the names and addresses of permit holders to President Obama’s Justice Department TWICE!
And if you even thought about using a gun to defend yourself or a loved one while in a restaurant parking lot or some other place away from your personal residence, you’d better be able to afford a great lawyer!
If H.B. 1733 passes — if you dared to fight back against a criminal without dotting all the i’s and crossing the t’s they’re trying to put in your way — you’re all but assured to go straight to prison.
So if you value your Second Amendment freedoms at all, it’s absolutely vital that you and I respond IMMEDIATELY.
As you’ll see, these petitions insist that your State Representative and Senator vote “NO!” on any legislation designed to repeal or weaken Missouri’s Constitutional Carry and Stand-Your-Ground laws.
If we don’t, you and I could be staring straight at a gun control DISASTER.
You see, BILLIONAIRE gun-grabber Michael Bloomberg knows good and well that passage of H.B. 1733 or anything like it is a long shot right now given the majorities in Jefferson City.
But this battle isn’t about that.
The gun-grabbers believe the political winds are blowing their way. They believe it’s a forgone conclusion they’re going to pick up seats in our State Legislature in November 2018.
So their goal is to prove to as many legislators as possible that they have nothing to fear politically from going after our gun rights.
That way, as soon as the smoke clears from the 2018 elections, they can get down to business RAMMING their entire anti-gun agenda into law.
Don’t think for a second they’ll stop with repealing Constitutional Carry and Stand-Your-Ground. Instead, they’ll pull out all the stops to ram through:
*** So-called “Universal Background Checks,” which is nothing more than code for STATEWIDE GUN REGISTRATION. There’s no way such a scheme can be enforced without tracking every gun and gun owner in the state!
*** A statewide so-called “Assault Weapons” ban, which would outlaw any semi-automatic rifle, shotgun or pistol with a detachable magazine and any other “scary” feature. That could include something as simple as a thumbhole stock or muzzle brake, which are common on many modern hunting rifles.
We have to respond.
We have to prove to state legislators that — regardless of which way the political winds are blowing in any given year — if they even think about attacking our second amendment freedoms, it could mean the end of their political careers.
If we don’t, I truly fear for the future of our gun rights in Missouri.
So please take a moment to sign your petition against H.B. 1733 NOW!
Alexandra will be on the ground all day tomorrow, giving you live updates about the committee vote on this bill as well as our bill to repeal ‘Gun Free Zones.’
We will let you know what happens as soon as we can.
The gun-grabbers are counting on Second Amendment supporters to sit back and do nothing.
I want to fight back –- hard!
But without an immediate influx of funds, doing nothing may be all the Missouri Firearms Coalition can afford to do.
Deploying mail, gathering signed petitions, alerting people via email and social media all adds up, fast!
I don’t know what you can afford.
Some of you have already made massive contributions to help us protect our freedoms, while others are able to give much less.
Whatever you can do, know that this fight is happening in real time in Jeff City and we need your support — regardless of the amount — right away.
Either way, make sure that you sign our petition opposing Rep. Meredith’s gun control agenda, that’s most important!
For Freedom,

Dr. Curt Frazier
P.S. MOFC staff and volunteers were outnumbered eighty to five yesterday in the House General Laws Committee!
Gun control, like Rep. Meredith’s H.B. 1733 which would end Constitutional Carry and Stand-Your-Ground law, made progress yesterday.
Help us stop him; sign your petition against his bill right away!
Then, join the Missouri Firearms Coalition today!