Missouri Action Alert: IP Reform is THE Gun Bill for 2024!

Dear Madelyn —

The hottest issue in Missouri politics this year — including gun politics — is Initiative Petition Reform (IP Reform.)

The initiative process is how the Left plans to bypass the General Assembly here in Jeff City and destroy our gun rights through one constitutional amendment after the next!

This isn’t a future concern; this is happening RIGHT NOW!

But IP Reform is confusing.

How does the current process work? Does every state have this problem? Who is blocking IP Reform in the legislature? How can a gun owner get involved in the process of passing IP Reform?

To get answers to all of these questions and the action steps you need to help us advance IP Reform, watch this video!

As you just heard, if we don’t deal with IP Reform, the Left is going to use STL and KC to ram their agenda into our constitution, destroying our state.  

These four politicians in Jeff City are killing IP Reform, and they need to hear from you immediately! So please call:

>>> Senate President Pro-Tem Caleb Rowden: 573-751-3931
>>> Senate Majority Floor Leader Cindy O’Laughlin: 573-751-7985
>>> Speaker of the House Dean Plocher: 573-751-1544
>>> House Majority Floor Leader Jon Patterson: 573-751-0907

Your message to them is simple: if you don’t pass IP Reform this session, you will hold them accountable when they run for election or re-election.

And don’t forget, Rowden and Plocher are running for a statewide election this year, so make sure you hammer on them!

This is the most important gun bill this session, so please watch this video, make your calls, and then share this video with every gun owner you know.

(To see our previous legislative update videos, please scroll to the bottom of this email.)

For Missouri,

Aaron Dorr
Political Director
Missouri Firearms Coalition

P.S.Watch our update about a RINO-backed gun control bill here.


Watch our 2nd Amendment interview with MO AG Andrew Bailey here.

Watch our update on Biden’s bill that bans training with AR-15s