“With all that’s going on, now is just not a good time to advance a pro-gun bill…”
This is the phrase that MOFC staff are hearing all too often in the Capitol right now, as we work to make sure that ‘Gun Free Zones’ are eliminated here in Missouri.
Frankly, it almost makes my blood boil when I hear this.
You see, weak kneed lawmakers in Jeff City are trying to use the tragedy in Parkland, FL from a month ago to justify running away in fear while they try to bury H.B. 1936!
In reality, they should be doing exactly the opposite!
That’s because the school in Parkland, FL is another one of these so-called ‘Gun Free Zones’ in which law-abiding citizens are forced to disarm and wait helplessly.
Sadly, 17 people died, in part, because the law made it impossible for anyone to defend themselves from an armed madman!
One parent, one coach, one teacher — any adult on campus with a firearm — could have ended that attack and saved almost everyone there!
But because of the law, all of those people were unable to defend themselves.
And, right now, it’s the exact same way here in Missouri.
Only in Missouri, not only are our schools off limits to law abiding gun owners, you are also required to disarm in:
- Churches; even though they are a favorite target for madmen.
- Hospitals; despite the fact that violent crime often spills over into hospital parking lots and waiting rooms.
- Polling stations; can you imagine something more unamerican than having to disarm while voting?
- Mass transit systems; when we all know that the MetroLink is plagued with murder and violent crime.
- Many restaurants; when walking back to your car with your spouse or friends is often where robberies take place.
- Day care centers; even though protecting our children is the number one reason why we carry in the first place!
I could go on and on as there are close to TWO DOZEN areas that are off limits to gun owners, whether or not you have a permit!
House Bill 1936 would end all of that, by lifting the ban on gun owners in all of the locations that are currently mandated by state code.
The bill has cleared the House General Laws committee but is being held up in the House Rules Committee right now.
And too many weak-kneed legislators are telling Alexandra Salsman, our Political Director, that now isn’t a good time to move gun bills!
How many more innocent people have to die before it is a good time?!
Right now the anti-gun hysteria being whipped up here in Missouri — and across the nation — has pro-gun lawmakers on their heels.
This is exactly what Michael Bloomberg and his radical followers want!
And if they can derail a gun bill in ‘pro-gun Missouri,’ it will only give them more momentum headed into the fall elections.
That’s why your pre-written email is so important!
In the wake of the Florida shootings, numerous states are acknowledging the fact that the best way to stop violent crime is to EXPAND Second Amendment freedom — not retreat.
Wyoming just passed Stand-Your-Ground law last week!
In Colorado, Constitutional Carry cleared the Senate just a few days ago.
Missouri, too, should be leading the charge to expand Second Amendment freedoms to protect her citizens and as an example to the nation.
That’s why it’s so important you send your PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL to the House Rules Committee TODAY!
And when you have sent your email, it is critical that you join the Missouri Firearms Coalition.
Simply put: there is a war on for the Second Amendment right now, not only at the national level, but right here in Missouri as well.
I’ve never seen so many organized anti-gun activists prowling the halls in Jeff City as I have this session.
If you want to join as a bronze level member, we can’t thank you enough and will rush you your member decal.
If you want to join at a silver level, we’re be sure and send you your decal and FREE T-Shirt.
And if you want to become a lifetime member of the Missouri Firearms Coalition, you’ll get all of that plus a lifetime membership plaque.
Please join at whatever level you can, right away!
And whatever you do, don’t forget to send your pre-written email, using the link above!
For Freedom,

Dr. Curt Frazier
P.S. In the wake of the Florida shooting — yet another attack in a ‘Gun Free Zone’ –- lawmakers in Jeff City say that ‘now’s not a good time to end Gun Free Zones.’
Nothing could be further from the truth!
Help us advance this bill, by sending your PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL to the House Rules Committee TODAY!