Thank you for signing up to receive free Second Amendment updates from the Missouri Firearms Coalition, Missouri’s most effective gun rights organization!
Formed in the summer of 2015, the members of the Missouri Firearms Coalition led the charge in Jefferson City during the 2016 legislative session on the fight to pass Constitutional Carry and Stand-Your-Ground law.
And let me tell you, it was a fight to the bitter end.
Michael Bloomberg opposed us.
Radical anti-gun legislators in Jeff City like Stacey Newman and her ilk opposed us.
Then Governor Nixon opposed us, and went on to veto our legislation.
But all of Bloomberg’s money and anti-gun spin from liberal media outlets couldn’t match the organized grassroots activism of the members of the Missouri Firearms Coalition!
With an avalanche of calls and emails into the Capitol, we mustered the votes needed to override Gov. Nixon’s veto on this crucial legislation last September!
This is what the Missouri Firearms Coalition and our members are all about — a grassroots army focused on protecting and expanding our Second Amendment freedoms here in Missouri.
You see, we’re not run by an organization a thousand miles away.
We were founded by Missourians, are run by Missourians, and we’re funded by Missourians — and we’re proud of all three!
In 2017, we are focusing on the next challenge facing gun owners in Missouri: repealing the dozens of so-called “Gun Free Zones” that plague our state.
You see, while we have Constitutional Carry and Stand-Your-Ground law, you would be considered a criminal for carrying your firearm in church.
Despite these recent changes, should you be carrying when picking up your child from daycare, you would be breaking the law.
And even though we don’t need a permit, if you have to go to the hospital for an emergency situation with a loved one, you’d better disarm first of face charges!
It’s crazy.
Worse, they’ve never stopped a single armed attack.
So if you believe that your right to defend your loved ones shouldn’t be subjected to a patch-work quilt of “Gun Free Zones” — where criminals have the upper hand — stand with us!
We’ll be regularly updating you on the Second Amendment fight in Jefferson City by email and Facebook, so if you’re not already on our page, go here to “Like” our page.
Thanks for getting involved with the hardest hitting gun rights group in Missouri!
For Freedom,
Dr. Curt Frazier
Chairman of the Board