Everywhere you look — from the State Capitol in Jefferson City to the White House in D.C. — politicians are banging the drums for gun control.
The only force capable of stopping the destruction of our Second Amendment rights are grassroots gun rights activists.
Over the last two weeks, MOFC members and supporters responded in mass, making their voices heard and stopping at least one gun control bill at the Capitol in Jefferson City.
Our staff here at MOFC is overwhelmed with the the new members, membership renewals, and Life Members who’ve come on board.
One of our new Life Members, Matt W. from Joplin, sent me this message recently:
I honestly didn’t think that it would be that hard to stop gun control in MO., but seeing MOFC staff surrounded in that committee 80-10 made me realize that I need to get involved in this fight! Don’t back down!
If you’re interested in becoming a Missouri Firearms Coalition Life Member like Matt just did, there is no better time than now.
Some like Matt choose to support us at the $500 Life Member level all in one chunk.
But some prefer a monthly payment plan.
If you would like to become a MOFC Life Member, please choose the option that works best for you below (don’t forget your shirt size.)
One-time >>> $500 (Click HERE)
Monthly >>> $41.67 for 12 months (Click HERE)
Or if you’ve yet to renew your MOFC membership for 2018, you can do that today as well by clicking below:
Second Amendment supporters should never lose sight of the fact that BILLIONAIRES Michael Bloomberg and George Soros are the financial money men for those who wish to destroy the Second Amendment.
The major showdown battles we see going on right now in D.C., Florida, and a number of others states, could become a major fight in our capitol, too.
In order to win those battles, it’s vital we have the resources needed to mobilize Second Amendment supporters across Missouri.
Thanks — as always — for your generous support.
For Freedom,

Dr. Curt Frazier
P.S. The fight for gun rights is raging across the country, and right here in Jeff City!
In the last week we’ve defeated a radical anti-gun bill from Rep. Meredith, staved off four bad amendments to our bill, and passed H.B. 1936 out of it’s first committee!
We need you to get involved in this fight!