Today is the Day – Stand Up for the 2nd Amendment!

Today is the day.

Our nine month fight to advance Constitutional Carry legislation here in Missouri all comes down to today!

Thanks to all of your calls, emails, and Facebook messages to your Representative and Senator during the 2016 legislative session, Constitutional Carry legislation (SB 656) passed out of the legislature with massive majorities!

But outgoing Governor Jay Nixon, who’s always been more interested in advancing his personal gun control agenda than he has been in standing up for Missourians, vetoed this legislation.

But as you know, the legislature meets TODAY to decide if they are going to stand with gun owners and override the veto on SB 656 or whether they’ll allow Michael Bloomberg to limit our freedoms here in Missouri

My team and I are on the ground here in Jefferson City as you read this, meeting with legislators and making sure they stand up for the 2nd Amendment and override this veto.

Please stand with us by immediately calling your State Senator and State Representative and insisting that they support the override of Senate Bill 656!

Not sure who your legislator is? Not a problem, just call the switchboard numbers listed below, give them your zip code, and they’ll connect you automatically!

>>>  Missouri State Senate switchboard (573)751-2000.

>>>  Missouri House of Representatives switchboard      (573)751-3659.

Please call them immediately, as the timing of this vote in uncertain!

Once you’ve called them, make sure every single one of your pro-gun friends and family call too!

Bloomberg’s front groups are hammering the legislature with calls and emails from anti-gun zealots all over Missouri and the country — help us pour on the pressure to battle back against these out-of-state forces.

You can also communicate with your legislators through their Facebook page, they are constantly watching their pages and this allows you almost immediate communication with them.

For up-to-the-second status reports, be sure you’re following us on Facebook

For Freedom,

Dr. Curt Frazier
Chairman of the Board

P.S. Today will determine whether the legislature is willing to stand up for the hundreds of thousands of gun owners in Missouri or if they’ll cower to the wishes of NYC billionaire Michael Bloomberg as they vote on overriding Gov. Nixon’s veto of SB 656!

I don’t know about you, but I’m sick and tired of some out-of-state billionaire thinking he can impose his wishes on the extent of my 2nd Amendment freedoms!

That’s why I’m here in the Capitol today, with a team of volunteers, working as hard as we can to ensure that the legislature overrides Nixon’s veto of SB 656.

Let me tell you, Bloomberg’s people are active here today, so please stand with us and call your legislators again — RIGHT NOW — and insist they override this veto!

Not sure who your legislator is? Not a problem, just call the switchboard numbers listed below, give them your zip code, and they’ll connect you automatically!

>>>  Missouri State Senate switchboard (573)751-2000.

>>>  Missouri House of Representatives switchboard (573)751-3659.

Call now!