Michael Bloomberg is probably smiling from ear to ear right now in NYC, as he plots his new strategy of attacking our Second Amendment freedoms in Missouri.
That’s because the support for ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation continues to grow — being sold as a ‘common sense compromise’ amoungst lawmakers when they reconvene in Jeff City.
It’s already passed in ‘red states’ like Florida and Indiana, and with Republican lawmakers in Missouri being too afraid to advance pro-gun legislation for two years, this is a threat we have to take extremely seriously!
That’s why I’ve had our Policy Advisor, Aaron Dorr, prepare this video update for you — to explain what these bills are, how they impact you, and how you can help us stop them!
Once you have the information, please take action right away!
First, sign your petition opposing ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation right away!
Second, help us get the word out about this threat, by sharing this email or the YouTube video above on your personal Facebook page, groups you administer, gun forums — anywhere where other gun owners can see it!
Third, help the Missouri Firearms Coalition mobilize gun owners to stop this legislation by making a generous donation now!
With more and more lawmakers trying to appear to be ‘reasonable’ in the eye of the anti-gun media here in Missouri, we need to be extremely wary about this legislation.
Please take action right away!

Dr. Curt Frazier
P.S. The growing threat to gun owners from Constitution-shredding ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation is very serious.
To get you up to speed on what this bill is, who is pushing it here in Missouri, and how you can help us stop it, we’ve produced a short video update!
When you are done, please take action right away!