2024 Missouri Firearms Attorney General Candidate Survey

Answers to All Questions Are Required.

Question 1

The right to keep and bear arms does not stem from the government, the United States Supreme Court, or even natural law. It is a God-given right, that is codified in our national and state constitutions. Thus, no matter what the government or courts say, the people of Missouri will always have the right to keep and bear arms. One of the jobs of the Missouri Attorney General is to defend those rights.

If elected, do you vow to use the office of Missouri Attorney General to defend the Second Amendment rights of Missourians, acknowledging that the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights and Art. 1, Sec. 23 of the Missouri Constitution is an individual, God-given right and a limitation on government?
Question 1 Answer(Required)

Question 2

In 2021, Missouri enacted the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA), asserting the State’s 10th Amendment right to instruct Missouri cops to only enforce Missouri law when it comes to firearms, ammunition, and accessories. Missouri’s SAPA law is the best in America, and that’s why the Biden White House has sued Missouri to block it. Currently we’re waiting for an answer from the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals about SAPA. Whether the 8th upholds SAPA or not, it’s likely this fight is headed to the United States Supreme Court.

If elected, do you vow to use the power of the office of Missouri Attorney General to fight for SAPA in the United States Supreme Court whether that means defending it from a challenge from the DOJ, or appealing a defeat from the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals?
Question 2 Answer(Required)

Question 3

A growing number of states, including Republican-led states, have enacted ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ laws that allow liberal judges to order the seizure of someone’s firearms before they’ve ever been charged, indicted, or convicted of a crime. Often this is done through ex-parte hearings that the gun owner knows nothing about until after the seizure order has been issued. At a minimum, ‘Red Flag’ laws violate the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 9th Amendment to the Bill of Rights.

Do you acknowledge that ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ are unconstitutional, do you promise to use the office of Missouri Attorney General to publicly oppose these laws, and will you refuse to enforce such a law should it ever pass here in Missouri?
Question 3 Answer(Required)

Question 4

Over the last couple of years, anti-gun legislators in Jefferson City have proposed legislation like HB-2857 which would require Missourians to submit a list of every firearm they own to the Missouri Attorney General or face civil charges. This legislation is clearly designed to give the State of Missouri a list of every gun owner in Missouri. History has made it clear what happens to a nation that allows the government to register gun owners.

Do you acknowledge that throughout history, registering firearms has almost always led to the people being helpless against criminals and tyrants? And do you promise to use the office of Missouri Attorney General to publicly oppose these laws and will you refuse to enforce such a law should it every pass here in Missouri?
Question 4 Answer(Required)

Question 5

In recent years, the General Assembly has made changes to the timeline that governs when someone can apply to have their gun rights restored. However, Missourians with non-violent felony convictions are still unable to apply to have their gun rights restored. In Missouri, writing a bad check over $500 counts as a felony. In a growing number of states, non-violent felons are able to apply to have their gun rights restored in accordance with state law.

Do you acknowledge that while violent felons should never own a firearm again, non-violent felons should have a process where they can have their rights restored?
Question 5 Answer(Required)

Question 6

In the wake of the Supreme Court’s Bruen decision from 2022, federal courts have said that it is unconstitutional for the government to ban 18-20 year old adults from possessing firearms. Despite this, many anti-gun legislators are trying to raise the age on when a Missourian can possess a firearm. If passed, these laws would allow a young Missourian to carry a firearm for the military, but not to defend themselves here in Missouri.

Do you acknowledge that laws that make it a crime for Missourians between the age of 18-20 to possess firearms are unconstitutional and arbitrary, and do you promise to use the office of Missouri Attorney General to publicly oppose these laws here in Missouri?
Question 6 Answer(Required)

Question 7

Mo. Rev. Stat. § 21.750 is Missouri’s preemption law, making it clear that the General Assembly is the only political entity that can enact gun laws in the state. Despite that, St. Louis and Kansas City are trying to (or have already enacted) local gun control laws that are a clear violation of Missouri law. Other municipalities may soon follow suit.

Do you acknowledge that only the General Assembly is allowed to decide the gun laws of the State or Missouri, and do you promise to use the office of Missouri Attorney General to bring actions against municipalities who arrogantly and willfully violate Mo. Rev. Stat. § 21.750?
Question 7 Answer(Required)

Question 8

While the political battle to ban, confiscate and destroy certain types of firearms continues to rage in Congress and state legislatures across America, the new front in this battle is the war against the right of people to buy ammunition. Recently, dozens of Democratic Attorneys General from across America have called on the Biden White House to force Lake City Ammunition (which has a major plant here in Missouri) to stop selling ammunition to Missourians or lose their military contracts.

If elected, do you promise to use the office of Missouri Attorney General to defend ammunition manufactures here in Missouri, and to bring actions against anyone who tries to block them from selling ammunition to the people of Missouri -- even if that includes the federal government?
Question 8 Answer(Required)

Question 9

Unable to currently pass gun control in the United States Congress, gun control advocates are turning to bureaucratic and administrative processes to attack gun owners. Whether it’s denying banking services to gun sellers or tracking gun and ammo sales through a person’s credit card use or banking records, these attacks against gun rights never cease. In some cases, these actions may be illegal.

If elected, do you promise to use the office of Missouri Attorney General to defend gun owners in Missouri by bringing actions against those entities that use bureaucratic and administrative attacks to track, trace, and register gun owners?
Question 9 Answer(Required)
Name (As it will appear on the ballot)(Required)
Party Affiliation(Required)

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Please Note:

  1. Unanswered questions will be considered as hostile to the Second Amendment.
  2. Unsigned surveys will not be accepted by the Missouri Firearms Coalition.
  3. If you have any questions about this survey, please email us at [email protected].
  4. The deadline for your survey is 5pm on May 17, 2024.

@ 2025 Missouri Firearms Coalition.
2208 Missouri Blvd, Ste 102, Box #302, Jefferson City, MO 65109.