Breaking: Legislation Filed to Gut SAPA!

I’m going to get right to the point.

Legislation to GUT Missouri’s Second Amendment Preservation Act has just been filed here in Jefferson City, and I am counting on your immediate help to STOP THIS ATTACK!

Gun owners across the state (and country) dealt a major blow to Joe Biden and his plans to ram gun control through Congress in 2023, when we flipped the House in November. 

But Biden isn’t giving up…instead, he’s changing tactics.

According to our sources on Capitol Hill, Joe Biden is expected to announce a new round of Executive Orders attacking our gun rights by fiat, completely bypassing the Congress!

As you know, last year, Biden’s Executive Orders made it a felony to possess a pistol brace if it is attached to your firearm and unilaterally declared that 80% lowers meet the definition of a firearm and are subject to the federal Gun Control Act.

But I’m afraid that’s just the beginning of what we’ll see.

The problem for Joe Biden is that here in Missouri, none of these Executive Orders are enforced, thanks to our SAPA law.       

Missouri’s SAPA law states that Missouri cops are to enforce Missouri laws when it comes to firearms and ammunition. In other words, they are not allowed to enforce any federal laws or Executive Orders that deal with our gun rights.  

And while Biden is free to have federal agents enforce his agenda here in Missouri, that just isn’t happening. And that means that federal gun control is effectively null and void in Missouri!

But if House Bill 460 (filed by Rep. Peter Meredith) becomes law, we could see Missouri’s beloved SAPA law destroyed in the coming weeks!


Please understand, HB-460 wouldn’t repeal SAPA. It’s much more devious than that. This legislation would leave the shell of SAPA on the books, while gutting all of the ‘teeth’ out of the law.

HB-460 would do that by:

  • Gutting the $50,000 civil penalties that make up the heart of our SAPA law, so ‘blue’ cities like St. Louis, Columbia, Kansas City, Springfield, and many others can violate SAPA without fear of being held accountable.

Multiple states claim to have passed SAPA. What makes our SAPA law the best in the nation is that if it is violated by a liberal mayor or police chief, you can sue that agency in civil court for damages! If we lose this, SAPA is effectively dead!

  • Gutting the section of SAPA law that bans the practice of Joe Biden forcing state and local cops from enforcing federal gun control through a joint federal task force.

The DOJ loves having a handful of feds run a task force of dozens of Missouri cops to do their dirty work, and they give the local departments tons of federal dollars to ‘thank’ them.

SAPA has stopped that. This bill would resume that practice.    

  • Gutting the sections of SAPA law that protect Missouri cops from being forced to choose between enforcing tyrannical gun control edicts or losing their jobs.

SAPA law is not only protecting Missouri gun owners, it’s protecting the legions of Missouri cops who can’t be forced to carry out Biden’s war against gun owners. If HB-460 passes, they will lose that protection.

If any one of these sections above pass in Jefferson City, gun owners will have NO protections from Biden’s gun control!

That’s why I need you to immediately sign the petition that we have prepared for you, telling your State Senator and State Representative that you will hold them accountable if they vote to remove one single word of Missouri’s SAPA law!


You see, it’s not just the Democrats talking about this.

When asked by the legislature and the media if he was going to give in to the demands of St. Louis other big cities demanding an overhaul of SAPA law, Speaker of the House Dean Plocher said, “We’re going to take that under consideration…”

So much for a firm ‘HELL NO’ from House leadership.

In addition, freshman legislators are reporting to me that they are being pressured by federal agents of the Department of Homeland Security to support legislative efforts to gut SAPA.

So, to review, we have legislation filed to gut the teeth out of our SAPA law. The Speaker of the House seems to be friendly to the idea. And freshman legislators, who aren’t used to this kind of pressure, are getting pressured to back this bill! 

Clearly, this isn’t idle speculation anymore.

So please, take a second now to tell your representatives, ‘hell no!’


That’s why the Missouri Firearms Coalition is preparing a major mobilization program to activate our members, but also other grassroots gun owners who are not MOFC members.

Our goal is to generate 50,000 calls, texts, emails, and petitions into the legislature in three weeks’ time. We want to flood the offices of every House member with one message: if you touch Missouri’s SAPA law you will pay a terrible political price.

 At a minimum, this program will consist of:

  1.  A text-based mobilization program that will allow us to get this alert right onto gun owners’ cell phones and allow them to communicate directly with their lawmakers.
  2. Deploying massive rounds of uncensorable direct mail (similar to the email you’re reading now) to new gun owners, urging them to sign their petition and help us defend Missouri’s SAPA law!
  3. Preparing to roll out digital (and possibly even radio and TV ads) if that becomes necessary when we know that this bill is headed to the floor for a vote.
  4. A heavy ground game in Jefferson City, where MOFC’s team will be working office-by-office to remind everyone that the primaries in 2022 made it clear what happens to politicians who oppose Missouri SAPA law.

The ground game is already underway, as I’ve had dozens of meetings in Jeff City about this legislation already this session. But I need your help to implement the other pieces of the program that I outlined above.

And that’s why I hope that when you send me your petition, you’ll also include a gift of $75 or even $100. I know that that’s a lot just coming into the new year, but this is important!

If we lose SAPA law, Joe Biden will be free to order our own cops to enforce a wide array of Executive Orders attacking our freedoms, and we’ll have no recourse.

And what’s more, if Missouri’s SAPA law is gutted, it will crush the momentum for SAPA in the dozen other states that are pushing it this year –- we need to hold the line!

So if $100 is not possible, I desperately hope that you’ll make a generous donation of $75, $50, $25, $17.76, or whatever amount you can afford today.

Over the years, MOFC members have made Missouri the best state in America for gun rights! We’ve expanded Castle Doctrine, passed Constitutional Carry, lifetime carry permits, the Second Amendment Preservation Act, and more!

Along the way, gun owners have decimated the ranks of anti-gun Democrats and backstabbing RINOs, after MOFC exposed their records.

But these freedoms are being threatened with HB-460. So please stand with me again by signing your petition as well as making a generous donation so we can fight back!  

For Missouri,

Aaron Dorr
Political Director
Missouri Firearms Coalition

P.S. Missouri’s Second Amendment Preservation Act is under attack here in Jefferson City! HB-460 would gut all of the ‘teeth’ out of SAPA law and let Joe Biden use our own cops to enforce his tyrannical gun control agenda!

Worse, Speaker Dean Plocher seems very open to the idea! 

So please immediately sign the petition that we have prepared for you, so the politicians in Jeff City know that you will hold them accountable if they touch SAPA law.   


And when you’re done, please make a donation of $100, $50, $10 or whatever amount you can afford so that we can implement the program I laid out above.