Gun Voters Dominated on Tuesday Night!

Last night the members of the Missouri Firearms Coalition sent an unmistakable message to the RINOs in Jefferson City: if you won’t fight for our gun rights, we’ll find someone who will!

Last night’s victories were incredible!

And these victories will pay dividends for years to come!

I’m going to give you a breakdown on all the races where MOFC worked to educate gun voters (and expose anti-gun RINOs) in the email below. But first I want to thank each one of you.

Thanks to your support, MOFC’s whiteboard videos and digital ads were viewed over 3,200,000 times across our Facebook and Twitter platforms in targeted races across the state — over 1,400,000 individual pro-gun voters were reached!

Thanks to your support, MOFC was able to contact another 300,000 gun owners with text messages, putting detailed video breakdowns of key races right onto their phones!

Thanks to your support, MOFC’s massive email program was able to put district specific video breakdowns into gun owners’ inboxes, giving them detailed info on races in their area.

And through all of our media appearances across the state, we educated hundreds of thousands of gun owners (at least) about statewide races that impacted every Missourian.

Every bit of this program was made possible thanks to the generosity of gun owners like you. Thank you, so much.

Now, let’s get to the breakdown!

The Governor’s Race:

All three candidates in this race surveyed 100% pro-gun with MOFC. But, as we made clear, Bill Eigel was the candidate with a history of fighting to defend our gun rights.

Last night, Eigel came up short.

But everyone said Eigel (and the gun issue by extension) was a spoiler, that he would be lucky to get more than 8%.

Eigel proved them all wrong. Having been outspent 5 to 1, Eigel earned a jaw dropping 32.6% of the vote, just 7% less than Mike Kehoe, leaving Jay Ashcroft in the dirt by almost 10%.

Mike Kehoe has made detailed, written promises to gun owners, and we look forward to putting gun bills on his desk and giving him the ability to fulfill his promises.

The Lt. Governor Race:

Senator Lincoln Hough is the biggest RINO in Jeff City today.

He voted against Stand-Your-Ground law and for ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures.’ Despite that, he assumed that he would sail through this primary, spend 8 years as Lt. Gov, then run for Governor.

But that didn’t happen.

MOFC unleashed on Hough, making sure every gun owner in the state had the facts about his record. One of our videos on Facebook was viewed by over 211,000 gun owners!

Between our Twitter views, texting program, email program and more, it’s a sure bet that almost every gun owner in the state had the truth — and boy did it come back to bite Hough!

Aided by a last minute endorsement from President Trump, David Wasinger won this race last night with 31.4%, ending Hough’s statewide ambitions, and reshaping the scene in Jeff City.

Attorney General Race:

Having worked closely with Andrew Bailey in the fight to defend SAPA since he was appointed Attorney General 18 months ago, MOFC knew exactly how pro-gun he was. 

But that was just the beginning.

Andrew Bailey sued Biden over his pistol brace ban and won big.

Then Bailey announced a lawsuit against Biden for redefining what a firearms dealer was by executive orders.

Then Bailey defended Missouri’s Lake City Ammo from Biden’s efforts to force them to stop selling ammo to civilians.

Then Bailey stopped St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones from violating state law and enforcing an AR-15 ban in St. Louis.

The list just keeps going. Andrew Bailey has been a relentless champion for gun owners as Attorney General, and we made sure every gun owner in Missouri knew it!

Over 405,000 gun owners saw this one video, alone. We did 3 videos in this race total, and they were hosted on multiple platforms. In total, we reached almost 1,000,000 gun owners!

Andrew Bailey obliterated Will Scharf last night by a vote of 63%-37%. Scharf didn’t win a single county in the state.

(Myself and Attorney General Andrew Bailey; all smiles at the victory party in Columbia last night!)

We look forward to working with Attorney General Andrew Bailey to defend the Second Amendment for the next four years, at least!

Secretary of State Race:

This race was complex.

With 8 candidates in this race, including two State Senators, two State Representatives, a social media influencer, and others, you might think it would be hard to draw comparisons.

But it wasn’t.

Denny Hoskins has been fighting for gun rights since 2010! This year, he was one of our lead bill sponsors in the Senate, pushing legislation to ban ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures!’

Outgoing Speaker of the House Dean Plocher has killed more pro-gun bills than anyone alive in Missouri today. He’s been a true enemy for 9 years in Jeff City.

And Senator Coleman killed IP Reform this year, making it possible for gun control to be on the ballot in 2026.

So MOFC went to work in this race, exposing Plocher and Coleman, and telling gun owners what Denny Hoskins did in Jeff City.

Close to 200,000 gun voters saw just this one video on Facebook. Another 100,000 saw it on Twitter!

Denny scored a solid victory last night, easily gathering 24% of the vote, almost 10% higher than the 2nd place finisher.

Dean Plocher came in a laughable 4th, with just 13.5% of the vote, and Mary Coleman only picked up 11.3%!

Electing Denny Hoskins to safeguard our elections (and watching out for ballot referendums attacking our gun rights) was a major accomplishment for gun owners last night.

The 3rd Congressional Race:

This race was destined to be a blowout since filing day.

Bob Onder was a war horse for gun owners in the Missouri Senate, leading the floor debate for the Second Amendment Preservation Act and leading the negotiation for Constitutional Carry.

Onder’s opponent bragged about being a moderate.

Not smart.

And we made sure every gun owner in the district knew it.

Over 200,000 gun owners in the 3rd Congressional district watched this video we produced, exposing Kurt Schaefer’s stance on guns, for a total of over 300,000 views!

This was one of three videos that we rolled out.

While the results were slow coming in last night, once St. Charles County reported their results, Dr. Onder soared to a 10% victory and will go on to be a fighter in Congress.

(Bob Onder and myself, moments after the race was called for him last night. Onder carried 47.4% of all votes cast!)

The 7th Congressional Race:

This race was not competive, as Congressman Burlison has 14 years of history fighting for gun owners in Jeff City and in Washington, D.C.

And as everyone knows, there are a heck of a lot of gun owners in SW Missouri.

So it was no surprise that long time MOFC ally Eric Burlison picked up 83% of the vote on his way to securing another two-year term in Congress.

Senate District 33:

Rep. Brad Hudson has been rock solid on gun rights in the House for years. Rep. Travis Smith had a long history of ignoring gun bills, until this year.

Once Smith decided to primary Brad Hudson he suddenly began cosponsoring bills that Hudson did, trying to look like a leader.

It didn’t work.

MOFC did a lot of video work in this race. In fact, Smith got angry about it and tried to attack us at a candidate forum.

That also didn’t work. 😊

In total, MOFC contacted over 100,000 gun owners in this race.

Last night, the chickens came home to roost as gun owners gave Brad Hudson a solid 53%-47% victory in SW Missouri. Hudson should be a great addition to the Missouri Senate.

Senate District 31:

Senator Rick Brattin is the head of the gun rights movement in the Senate! He helped us pass Stand-Your-Ground. He helped us pass SAPA. He fought for IP Reform. And he’s our lead sponsor on existing pro-gun legislation.

The Swamp hates Rick. So does the Left.

So they sent not one, but two, RINO State Representatives after Rick, hoping to throw him the heck out of the Senate.

Big mistake.

MOFC deployed whiteboard videos, digital ads, text-based campaigns, emails, and more in this race. Our Facebook based ads were viewed over 325,000 times. Another 150,000 saw them on Twitter.

On the weekends, many MOFC members walked in parades with Senator Brattin.

Last night, Brattin destroyed RINO Rep. Mike Haffner and RINO Rep. Dan Houx as gun voters turned out in droves. Brattin got 46.9% of the vote…something Haffner and Houx barely did combined!

(Senator Brattin and his wife, along with my wife and me, after a parade in Cass Co. several weeks ago.)

Senate District 29:

Senator Mike Moon has been hated by the Swamp/RINOs/Left for his entire career in Jefferson City.

So it was no surprise that they came after Moon hard with Susan Haralson. What was a surprise, though, was when Haralson admitted that she didn’t believe in following the Constitution.

MOFC’s senior video editor took great pleasure in cranking out reels based on Haralson’s shocking admissions, and our social media team made sure everyone in the district heard about it.

Our whiteboard videos were seen by over 200,000 gun owners in this race. The reel was in addition to that. Combined with text and email, we saturated this race.

It showed.

Last night, gun owners reelected Mike Moon by a jaw dropping 77%-22%. It was one of the most lopsided victories of the night.

Senate District 23:

Rep. Adam Schnelting is one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met in Jeff City. He’s also 100% pro-gun and he’s fought for years to get rid of deadly ‘Gun Free Zones’ here in Missouri.

With Bill Eigel being term limited out, Schnelting filed for that seat along with Rep. Phil Christofanelli.

Christofanelli had never fought for gun rights, was a darling of the lobbyist core in Jeff City, and ran one of the most dishonest races that we saw this cycle.

But St. Charles County is pro-gun country.

And we set to work telling every gun owner we could about Schnelting’s long time support for our gun rights…and the fact that Christofanelli couldn’t have cared less.

Our digital ads were a smashing success, being viewed by over 225,000 gun owners between Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Rumble.

MOFC volunteers — including my five oldest kids — used their Saturdays to go door-to-door passing out educational material about the candidates in this race.

Let me tell ya, it was hot!

(Senator-elect Schnelting, myself, and five of my kids, moments before beginning a lit dropping operation last Saturday.)

Despite being outspent approximately 4-1, Schnelting pulled out a massive victory last night, receiving 50% of the vote compared to Christofanelli’s 28%.

Adam will be a fantastic voice for gun owners for the next 4-8 years in Jefferson City!

Senate District 11:

Another great pick up for gun owners in the Missouri Senate was in NW MO’s Senate District 11.

While MOFC did not educate voters in this race, Joe Nicola won this in a decisive 49%-39% fashion. Nicola surveyed 100% pro-gun with us, and we look forward to his addition to the Senate.

While most races were decided last night, this race will be competitive in the General Election.

House District 109:

Gun rights played a major role in this race. John Simmons had been in the House previously, but was defeated two years ago by Kyle Marquart.

Marquart has done literally nothing for gun owners for the last two years, smugly refusing to cosponsor ANY legislation that would expand your right to keep and bear arms.

MOFC’s videos outing Marquart as a chump who wouldn’t help gun owners was seen by over 42,000 gun voters…who promptly threw Marquart out of office last night!

John Simmons won by a margin of 56.6%-43.3%.

House District 110:

In St. Louis County, Rep. Justin Sparks has become a leader in the fight for gun rights. In fact, he’s the lead House sponsor for MOFC’s bill to enhance Stand-Your-Ground law.

The lobbyists in Jeff City hate Sparks, and they came after him.

They should have saved their money.

Over 49,500 gun owners/voters saw our digital advertising in this race and Sparks earned 75.1% of the vote last night…a real squeaker. <sarc>

Justin will continue to be a leader in the fight for gun rights in the House for years to come.

House District 111:

Rep. Gary Bonacker has been in office for four years, and he’s been a trashball RINO the entire time.

Gary has attacked gun rights for a long time, and he refused to answer his MOFC candidate survey.

Cecelie Williams surveyed 100%, and she vowed to be a fighter in the effort to expand gun rights here in Missouri. We made sure everyone in that race knew the difference between these two candidates with digital ads, text messages, and more.

Last night, Cecelie crushed Bonacker by a margin of 60%-40%.

House District 154:

Long time MOFC member Lisa Durnell cruised to victory in Southern Missouri’s HD-154. This was a 3-way open seat primary and Larry Lindeman is an open enemy to gun voters.

While our FB video ‘only’ had 27,000 in-district views amongst gun owners, it certainly was enough to make sure everyone had the facts.

Turns out gun voters didn’t like Larry Lindeman’s views on the Second Amendment very much. Durnell dominated this race with 54% of the vote, easily securing a two year term in Jeff City.

House District 156:

Finally, in Taney County, Rep. Brian Seitz was a top target for RINOs and the rest of the Swamp in Jeff City.

Seitz has always been pro-gun and was instrumental in helping MOFC kill gun control amendments in last year’s crime bill –amendments that were offered by RINO Republicans.

The RINOs put up Carolyn Boss…but it didn’t work out.

Boss tried hard to convince voters she was pro-gun, even putting out the most cringe video I have seen this cycle proving she knew how to shoot a handgun. Spoiler: she doesn’t.

42,000 gun voters saw our initial video in this race on Facebook. 9,000 more saw the Twitter version. Almost 8,000 more heard from us via text message and email.

The result was a blowout!

Brian Seitz captured 81% of the vote, humiliating Carolyn Boss and ensuring that he’ll be in Jeff City to fight for gun owners for the next two years.


Of course, gun owners didn’t win every race across the state last night.

Rep. Doug Ritchey lost his bid for the State Senate, as did Jacob Turner in Cape Girardeau’s Senate District 27. Those voices and votes will be missed in the Senate.

And some of the open seat House races were won by the less pro-gun candidate.

But the reality is that MOFC members DESTROYED RINOs all over the state and EVERYONE is talking about it right now.

This is how we keep Missouri free!

This is how we keep Missouri ‘red!’

This is how we keep Missouri a bastion of the Second Amendment!

And all of this was made possible by you! Every digital ad that was seen by a gun voter, every text we deployed, every email blast we launched, every piece of direct mail -– it was all funded by you. 

And remember, all the national organizations that raise so much money off of Missourians did almost nothing to fight for your gun rights this cycle.

It’s shameful.

And that’s why I hope you’ll join (or donate) to the Missouri Firearms Coalition, the only organization fighting (and winning big!) for gun owners here in Missouri.


The primary program was wildly successful. But it was very expensive, and we need to rebuild the war chest for the next fight. Please help us do that today!

Thank you!

For Missouri,

Aaron Dorr
Political Director
Missouri Firearms Coalition