MOFC member update from Aaron!


It is the weaponization of the legal system against a political target with the goal of destroying that target, just like the military does to foreign adversaries during warfare. 

Lawfare used to be an intellectual concept. But President Trump’s ‘conviction’ of 34 ‘felonies’ in Manhattan has made it clear that the Left can use this tactic against ANYONE!

Consider just a few facts about this case:

First, there is Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan District Attorney who led this attack.

Bragg’s campaign was funded by George Soros. Soros even bragged about it in a Wall Street Journal op-ed!

Then, there is Michael Cohen, the ‘star’ witness.

Cohen is a proven liar. In fact, Cohen admitted to lying before Congress while under oath and spent three years in prison for lying to other instigators.

And, of course, we can’t forget about the venue.

Manhattan voted against Trump 90%-10%. Despite this, Judge Gonzalez denied Trump’s request for a change of venue.

This case was a political lynching, pure and simple. The outcome was never in doubt. This was the highest form of lawfare ever carried out. The message it sent is clear: if we can get to Trump, we can get to anyone who dares to speak out!

Feeling punch drunk with power after seeing President Trump convicted, the Radical Left is ramping up their attacks, using the power of government to silence organizations like ours.

But it’s not just official agencies doing this.

Individual Commie Karens — from all over the country — are actively trying to get the FBI to investigate MOFC, trying to shut us down before the November elections.

No, this isn’t a joke.

The Left is tagging the FBI on Twitter, urging them to come after MOFC, claiming that our members are violent racists who are about to murder politicians!

This is absurd. For over a decade, MOFC has done the same thing: use grassroots pressure to pass or defeat legislation in Jeff City.

We’re only ‘dangerous’ to politicians who vote against the 2nd Amendment and lose their careers because we expose them at election time!

But as Trump’s ‘conviction’ proved, the truth doesn’t matter anymore. Facts can be invented. Testimony can be fake.

So even though I know that we’ve done NOTHING WRONG, I am concerned that the Missouri Firearms Coalition is going to get a knock on the door by federal agents any day now.

The goal for the Left is simple: force us to spend all our time and money dealing with a bogus investigation…

…ensuring that we can’t expose gun-grabbers during the November elections.

And the truth is that they might be successful. As things stand right now, MOFC does not have the funds to deal with a full scale ‘lawfare’ attack and run a statewide program exposing gun grabbers during the fall elections. 

And if we are forced to sit out the General Election cycle, there will be no one to combat the gun control agenda being concealed by so many Leftist candidates!

Just a few of the races where MOFC needs to expose gun grabbers using digital and radio ads, targeted social media, mass emails, radio and internet ads include:

>>>  House District 15; this is an open seat race, but it was held by the Democrats for years and is a chance to increase our margins in Jeff City. Republican Mike Jones surveyed 100% with MOFC. Ken Jamison supports gun control 100% and would be another vote to attack our freedoms!

>>>  Senate District 11; this Independence, MO seat was a Democrat stronghold for years but the map has been redrawn. GOP nominee Joe Nicola has surveyed 100% with MOFC. But Robert Sauls backed the gun control agenda each of his six years in the Missouri House!

>>>  Senate District 15; GOP nominee David Gregory surveyed 100% with us and always voted to expand gun rights in the House. Democrat Joe Pereles is a radical leftist, openly calling for ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ and a statewide gun registry that would track all of us!

Of course, these are just a few of the fights that we need to be engaged in this fall. We can either send a message that Missouri stands for freedom, or see the Left make real gains.

Until dozens of Leftist groups started tagging the FBI and the DOJ urging them to come after us, I was hoping to go ‘all in’ on this election cycle with digital ads, radio ads, text messages and more.

But everything is different now.

We’ve just finished a wildly successful (but also very expensive) primary election program.

I don’t regret it at all. But the truth is that in the wake of that program we can’t afford to run a big general election program AND fight against a bogus lawfare attack, too!

The good news is that this isn’t ‘my’ organization.

And that’s why I am coming to you. I need to know what you think we should do, given the situation that I’ve outlined for you above. As I see it, we have three options right now:

OPTION #1: Ignore the lawfare attack that is coming from one or more federal agencies, pray these attacks don’t force us to close our doors, and run a full-scale program this fall exposing gun-grabbing Leftists?

OPTION #2:  Give in to the pressure, cancel our election program, play it safe, and focus exclusively on gearing up to defend MOFC from these bogus attacks?



I know what I want to do. But we don’t have millions of dollars sitting around in the bank like our enemies do.

MOFC runs on a conservative budget, and that’s especially true with so many Missourians dealing with Biden’s failed economy and the ballooning recession he denies.

OPTION #3 isn’t an “option” without an IMMEDIATE influx of funds from MOFC members and supporters. If you choose this option I hope you’ll make a generous donation of $100!

It’s a lot. I know.

If it’s just not possible, please agree to a gift of $50 or at least $25 because there’s a lot on the line right now.

This is our state! I don’t know about you, but I refuse to sit back and be silenced by fear, and I refuse to let the Radical Left try to disarm us through their gun control agenda!

If you agree, please fill out your MOFC Member Ballot and make the most generous donation you can afford TODAY!

For Missouri,

Aaron Dorr
Political Director
Missouri Firearms Coalition

P.S. The Left ‘convicted’ Trump after a bogus ‘trial.’ Now their activists are trying to unleash the FBI on MOFC, trying to force us to divert our attention away from our fall election programs!

This is no joke, it’s as real as it gets.

Please read the email above for the details and then fill out your Membership Ballot telling me what you want us to do.


And when you’re done, please make a donation of $100, $50 or at least $25 so we can FIGHT LIKE HELL FOR YOU!